Abstract. Called when the player clicks on the status icon.
Abstract. Called when the player clicks on the status icon.
1 number x
the X click coordinate.
2 number y
the Y click coordinate.
3 number key
the pressed key.
statusIcons.register({ id = "level_up", quad = quadLoader:getQuad("level_up"), text = _T("STATUS_ICON_LEVEL_UP", "POINTS unspent attribute points"), textSingular = _T("STATUS_ICON_LEVEL_UP_SINGULAR", "1 unspent attribute point"), setupText = function(self, employee) local pts = employee:getAttributePoints() if pts > 1 then return _format(self.text, "POINTS", pts) else return self.textSingular end end, handleClick = function(self, x, y, key) if key == gui.mouseKeys.LEFT then local employee = statusIcons.descbox:getEmployee() if employee then employee:createEmployeeMenu() end end end })