Abstract, called when adjusting the game convention score.
Abstract, called when adjusting the game convention score.
1 developer dev
the developer.
2 number score
the current score.
1 number
the score. This should always return something.
traits:registerNew({ id = "silver_tongue", display = _T("SILVER_TONGUE", "Silver Tongue"), description = _T("SILVER_TONGUE_DESCRIPTION", "Can handle anything PR-related, and perform damage control with greater ease than others."), quad = "trait_silver_tongue", discoveryLevel = 4, motivationalSpeechScoreMultiplier = 1.3, gameConventionScoreMultiplier = 1.15, damageControlEfficiencyMultiplier = 1.2, assignTrait = function(self, target) -- TODO end, adjustMotivationalSpeechScore = function(self, speaker, baseScore) return baseScore * self.motivationalSpeechScoreMultiplier -- abstract end, formatDescriptionText = function(self, descBox, employee, wrapWidth, font) descBox:addSpaceToNextText(iconSpacing) descBox:addText(_format(_T("SILVER_TONGUE_AFFECTOR_1", "MULT% higher game convention boost"), "MULT", math.round((self.gameConventionScoreMultiplier - 1) * 100, 1)), font, game.UI_COLORS.LIGHT_BLUE, 0, wrapWidth, "increase", 22, 22) descBox:addText(_format(_T("SILVER_TONGUE_AFFECTOR_2", "MULT% better damage control"), "MULT", math.round((self.damageControlEfficiencyMultiplier - 1) * 100, 1)), font, game.UI_COLORS.LIGHT_BLUE, 0, wrapWidth, "increase", 22, 22) if employee:isPlayerCharacter() then descBox:addText(_format(_T("SILVER_TONGUE_AFFECTOR_3", "MULT% more efficient motivational speeches"), "MULT", math.round((self.motivationalSpeechScoreMultiplier - 1) * 100, 1)), font, game.UI_COLORS.LIGHT_BLUE, 0, wrapWidth, "increase", 22, 22) descBox:addSpaceToNextText(4) descBox:addText(_T("SILVER_TONGUE_AFFECTOR_4", "Improved interaction with employees in specific contexts"), font, game.UI_COLORS.LIGHT_BLUE, 0, wrapWidth, "exclamation_point", 24, 24) end end, adjustGameConventionScore = function(self, employee, baseScore) return baseScore + self.gameConventionScoreMultiplier - 1 end})