Create and set up an element in the 'Modifiers' category of the platform info popup.
Create and set up an element in the 'Modifiers' category of the platform info popup.
1 guiElementInstance categoryObject
the category UI element.
2 width elemW
the width of the element.
function firmwareCrack:setupAffectorCategory(catObj, elemW) local boost = gui.create("GradientIconPanel", nil) boost:setIcon("generic_electricity") boost:setBaseSize(elemW, 0) boost:setIconSize(20, nil, 22) boost:setFont("bh20") boost:setTextColor(game.UI_COLORS.RED) boost:setGradientColor(game.UI_COLORS.RED) boost:setText(_format(_T("PLATFORM_SALE_DECREASE_FIRMWARE_CRACK_SHORT", "DEC% sales (firmware crack)"), "DEC", math.round(self.affector * 100, 1))) catObj:addItem(boost) end