Returns the next question. This can be used for branching off the dialogue into a direction that is out of the player's hands depending on what answers they chose.
Returns the next question. This can be used for branching off the dialogue into a direction that is out of the player's hands depending on what answers they chose.
1 string
id-the question ID.
dialogueHandler.registerQuestion({ id = "manager_platform_support_drop_consult_2", textNoPenalty = _T("MANAGER_PLATFORM_SUPPORT_DROP_CONSULT_2_NO_PENALTY", "The platform in question has been released for a long enough time, so we don't have to worry about people getting angry about the drop of support for it."), text = _T("MANAGER_PLATFORM_SUPPORT_DROP_CONSULT_2", "The most important thing we have to keep in mind is the amount of time the platform has spent on the market. We should wait at least TIME before we announce the drop of support, because people that have just bought their new console will be in for a nasty surprise."), nextQuestion = "manager_platform_support_drop_consult_3", nextQuestionNoPenalty = "manager_platform_support_drop_consult_4", getText = function(self, dialogueObject) local plat = dialogueObject:getFact("platform") if plat:isEarlyDiscontinuation() then return _format(self.text, "TIME", timeline:getTimePeriodText(plat:getTimeUntilNormalDiscontinuation() * timeline.DAYS_IN_MONTH)) end return self.textNoPenalty end, getNextQuestion = function(self, dialogueObject) local plat = dialogueObject:getFact("platform") if plat:isEarlyDiscontinuation() then return self.nextQuestion end return self.nextQuestionNoPenalty end, answers = {"generic_continue"}, })