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This library handles various things related to game reviews and their ratings.



basePerformanceScoreImpact (-5)

the base score impact of performance, by default, engine performance stat must surpass 50 to have no negative effect on the review score.

performanceToScore (10)

every this many performance points the score gets increased by 1.

maxPerformanceRange (5)

the maximum boost from a high engine performance stat.

averagePerformanceAffector (1)

the performance affector when the performance is neither good nor bad.

aspectRatingVisualDisplayOffset ({-7, 3})

the max offset for displaying the aspect score, the first index is much lower than the second one, so that the player can get a hint of which aspect was worse.

performanceScoreAffector (0.5)

when performance affector is below 0 - the score can get multiplied by the first index.

worstFeatureLerpAmount (0.15)

how much to lerp the final score by when figuring out the quality score affector, won't go below this value, but will go above it

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minimumDistanceForScoreLerp (0.15)

the score distance between the highest and lowest quality score levels must be at least this big for there to be a lerp.

scoreImpactExponent (1.5)

the exponent for the genre importance lerp amount.

scoreDistanceForNoMaximumRating (0.15)

if the score distance between the best and worst aspects of the game is this large, then the game won't get a 10/10 rating no matter what.

maxRating (10)

the maximum game rating.

minRating (1)

the minimum game rating.

baseQualityMultiplier (1)

the base multiplier for various quality-related score calculations.

minRatingOnLargeScoreDistance (9)

the maximum score value we can get if the distance between worst-best aspects is greater than scoreDistanceForNoMaximumRating.

reviewTimeline (10)

this many days from the game's release there will be a high chance for a new review every day.

baseDailyReviewChance (100)

the base daily review chance.

dailyReviewChanceDecayPerDay (25 / 14)

per every day above reviewTimeline, the chance for a new review will decrease by this much.

maxReviewsPerDay (1)

the maximum amount of reviews that can be generated in a single day.

maxAspectScalar (1.1)

what is the maximum level our qualityLevel / baseQuality can go up to, it will display up to 1, but going above 1 (ie 1.1) will allow other aspects of the game to make up for aspects that suck.

playerbaseSuspicionReviewRatingDiscrepancy (1.25)

when the discrepancy between the real game rating and the review rating is this large, people will become suspicious.

reputationDecreasePerSale (0.1)

if the discrepancy matches, our reputation will decrease by this much per sale.

extraRepLossPerReputationPoints (0.0004)

per this much reputation, we will lose x2 more reputation.

reputationIncreasePerSale (0.01)

or increase by this much, depending on the circumstances.

suspicionTimePeriod (40)

games younger than this can be considered "suspicious".

lowPerformanceRemark (0.4)

if performance is lower than this, we make a remark stating that the performance sucked.

highPerformanceRemark (0.6)

if performance is higher than this, we make a remark stating that the performance was good.

basePopularityGain (5)

multiply rating by this.

popularityGainScoreExponent (2)

and then apply an exponent to the resulting value.

popGainScaleDependency (0.45)

this much of the gained reputation will depend on the distance to maximum current project scale.

standardLerp (0.6)

lerp from the previous adaptive standard to the new one by this much.

maxStandardQualityOffset (10)

the maximum added offset from the quality based on the standard of the previous one, multiplied by game scale.