Abstract. Called when clicking on the UI element that displays this data.
Abstract. Called when clicking on the UI element that displays this data.
1 guiElementInstance combobox
the combobox element which can be filled up via :addOption.
2 guiElementInstance uiElement
the clicked event box UI element.
-- taken from game/studio/studio.lua function studio.financeReportCallback() game.createFinancesPopup() end eventBoxText:registerNew({ id = "monthly_expenses", getText = function(self, data) if data.employeeCosts > 0 and data.monthlyCosts > 0 then local employeeText = data.employeeCount > 1 and _T("EMPLOYEES_LOWERCASE", "employees") or _T("EMPLOYEE_LOWERCASE", "employee") return _format(_T("MONTHLY_EXPENSES_EMPLOYEES_AND_OFFICE", "New month, paid $TOTAL_SALARIES to EMPLOYEE_COUNT EMPLOYEES and $MONTHLY_COST for various office expenses."), "TOTAL_SALARIES", string.roundtobignumber(data.employeeCosts), "EMPLOYEE_COUNT", data.employeeCount, "EMPLOYEES", employeeText, "MONTHLY_COST", string.roundtobignumber(data.monthlyCosts)) elseif data.employeeCosts > 0 then local employeeText = data.employeeCount > 1 and _T("EMPLOYEES_LOWERCASE", "employees") or _T("EMPLOYEE_LOWERCASE", "employee") return _format(_T("MONTHLY_EXPENSES_EMPLOYEES", "New month, paid $TOTAL_SALARIES to EMPLOYEE_COUNT EMPLOYEES."), "TOTAL_SALARIES", string.roundtobignumber(data.employeeCosts), "EMPLOYEE_COUNT", data.employeeCount, "EMPLOYEES", employeeText) elseif data.monthlyCosts > 0 then return _format(_T("MONTHLY_EXPENSES_OFFICE", "New month, paid $MONTHLY_COST for various office expenses."), "MONTHLY_COST", string.roundtobignumber(data.monthlyCosts)) end end, fillInteractionComboBox = function(self, comboBox, uiElement) comboBox:addOption(0, 0, 0, 20, _T("FINANCES_REPORT", "Finance report"), fonts.get("pix20"), studio.financeReportCallback) end })