Abstract, called when the dialogue with this as the current question has finished.
Abstract, called when the dialogue with this as the current question has finished.
1 dialogue object
the dialogue object.
dialogueHandler.registerQuestion({ id = "pay_denbts_timelimit", image = "the_investor_1", text = _T("PAY_DENBTS_TIMELIMIT", "Well buddy, the debt still has not been paid off, and time's up. I'm afraid business is business and I can't change the contract. So as sad as it is for you, I'll have to replace you with someone more fit for the task."), -- not enough of both answers = {"generic_continue"}, onFinish = function() local data = game.getGameTypeData("scenario_pay_denbts") game.gameOver(_format(_T("PAY_DENBTS_TIMELIMIT_GAMEOVER", "The investor has replaced you with someone else, because you didn't manage to pay off the debt of $DEBT within TIME"), "DEBT", string.comma(data.moneyToPayOff), "TIME", timeline:getTimePeriodText(data.yearLimit))) end })